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Customer service top 10

March 22, 2021

The Institute of Customer Service research shows the strong link between customer service and business

Any surprises for who is in the premier league for #customerservice? There is a real opportunity for companies to stand out and win business by delivering consistent excellent customer service. Results released today show this is at an all time low since 2015 at 76.8% for Jan 2021 so the time is right to double down on this.

The Institute of Customer Service research shows the strong link between customer service and business performance.

Well done to the top 10 leaders including Costa CoffeePets at HomeJohn Lewis & PartnersNetflixMarks and Spencer and Amazon. In first place was a bank – first direct.

Improving #customer service and #customer experience is one of ‘controllables’ we can prioritise now to ensure we get more customers and keep more customers. Listening more; adapting; being transparent; communicating more, responding quicker, picking up the phone, etc, all easy wins.

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