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Customer centricity

February 19, 2021

Customer obsession is the root to growing big and strong. Learn top-tips for customer centricity

How obsessed with your customers are you? 👩🏽‍🦰👨🏻👩🏼 👨🏾‍🦱👩🏻‍🦱

Customer obsession is the root to growing big and strong – Deloitte found that customer-centric companies were 60% more profitable compared to companies that were not focused on the customer

Top tips for customer centricity:

✅ Get clarity on how you are serving with target personas and segmentation

✅ Call customers to understand their changing needs

✅ Obtain and act on customer satisfaction feedback

✅ Provide proactive customer service with added value

✅ Focus on building relationships & customer-life time value vs transactions

✅ Review and optimise your end-to-end customer experience

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