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Draw on external expertise

March 4, 2021

Fast-track your business success by drawing on the right external expertise at the right time.

Have you tried to teach children to play sports? This year I have been making very slow progress trying to teach my little boy to play tennis 🎾 Finally one day the lightbulb moment went off!💡

Rather than struggle through making tiny progress over what could be years, get him an expert who offers the technical, tactical and wellbeing tips. In 3 weeks, he’s doing remarkably better – wish I’d have done it sooner! Now time for a latte…… ☕️

Top tips:

✅ “Rent” expertise and experience on an as-needed basis

💷 Hit the ground running on day one

📈 Embrace people who challenge you in a positive way

⭐️ Use strategies and tools that have been proven to work with other clients

If you would like to fast-track results and save your business costs, get in touch with me: Commercial Acceleration Ltd www.comaccel.co.uk

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