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Up-selling to increase revenue

February 18, 2021

Maximising revenue per customer is critical to survive and thrive. Learn some top-tips through knowing

I went out to lunch with a few friends at a restaurant – lovely food and a nice location, however, there were so many missed opportunities! So many missed tricks to have been given subtle recommendations to have additional or bigger items – such as red wine with steak, desserts, large latte, …..

Since then they’ve managed to add >£30 spend per head. This works out to be £millions per year of what would have been missed opportunities. 💰💰

Let’s maximise average revenue per customer. In my observations across industries, 80% of the time it is missed.

Top tips for up-selling:

✅ Train staff on up-selling and cross-selling skills

✅ Familiarise everyone on product knowledge and complimentary items (e.g. Amazon this product goes with x)

✅ Put an incentive scheme in place

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